C++ cout VS printf (Choosing The Best Output Method)

C++ cout VS printf (Choosing The Best Output Method)

In the vast landscape of programming, one crucial skill often understated is our ability to communicate with our code – namely through output methods. These help decipher the language of programs, presenting us with essential data we can understand and resonate with. Among the multitudes of languages and methods in existence, we zone in today…

UVA Online Judge Problem 10004 Bicoloring solution in C++

UVA Online Judge Problem 10004 Bicoloring solution in C++

Problem name: 10004 Bicoloring Platform: UVA Online Judge Click here to see the problem statement.     At first, try hard to solve the problem on your own. If you could not solve the problem on your own after trying hard, read my solution idea.       “Bicoloring” Problem Statement Editorial: In this problem,…

Loop Statements In C.

Today our c programming tutorial for beginners tutorial is going to be about loop statements in c. In our last tutorial where we learned about how to determine gcd and lcm of 2 numbers in c. To do so, we have used something like while(condition){…}. This is actually a while loop statement. Today I will…